Asphalt Mix Design (Marshall, Superpave)
Asphalt mix design services available include the full range of sampling, specimen fabrication, testing, and report submittals required under most Owner-Agencies mix design acceptance procedures. Capabilities in product development include dense-graded hot and warm mix asphalt mixtures, stone mastic asphalt products, open-graded surface treatments, and a variety of other special mixtures. Laboratories are optimized for the most efficient workflow, with sufficient equipment capacity to enable the development of multiple products simultaneously.
Performance Testing (Hamburg, AMPT)
Performance testing services available include accelerated distress testing using the Hamburg loaded wheel method as well as determination of the dynamic modulus and flow number with the simple performance test (previously known as the asphalt mix performance test, or AMPT).

Asphalt Mix Design (Marshall, Superpave)
Asphalt mix design services available include the full range of sampling, specimen fabrication, testing, and report submittals required under most Owner-Agencies mix design acceptance procedures. Capabilities in product development include dense-graded hot and warm mix asphalt mixtures, stone mastic asphalt products, open-graded surface treatments, and a variety of other special mixtures. Laboratories are optimized for the most efficient workflow, with sufficient equipment capacity to enable the development of multiple products simultaneously.
Performance Testing (Hamburg, AMPT)
Performance testing services available include accelerated distress testing using the Hamburg loaded wheel method as well as determination of the dynamic modulus and flow number with the simple performance test (previously known as the asphalt mix performance test, or AMPT).
Asphalt Production Inspection
Asphalt production quality control services include all sampling, testing, and reporting elements required under Owner-Agency production specifications, whether they be method based, performance based, or of the Quality Assurance variety. A cache of qualified and experienced individuals meeting relevant Certification requirements enables on-demand scheduling of services typically within 24 hrs. of request.
Paving Operation Inspection
Paving operation inspection services include all sampling, testing, inspection, and reporting elements required to ensure that the pavement meets the Owner-Agency requirements when the compaction is complete. Paving Inspection personnel are appropriately Certified and provide real-time data to assist the decision-making process. Field equipment redundancy enables coverage of dozens of projects during periods of peak demand.

Asphalt Production Inspection
Asphalt production quality control services include all sampling, testing, and reporting elements required under Owner-Agency production specifications, whether they be method based, performance based, or of the Quality Assurance variety. A cache of qualified and experienced individuals meeting relevant Certification requirements enables on-demand scheduling of services typically within 24 hrs. of request.
Paving Operation Inspection
Paving operation inspection services include all sampling, testing, inspection, and reporting elements required to ensure that the pavement meets the Owner-Agency requirements when the compaction is complete. Paving Inspection personnel are appropriately Certified and provide real-time data to assist the decision-making process. Field equipment redundancy enables coverage of dozens of projects during periods of peak demand.
Forensic Inspection
Forensic inspection is provided upon request for professional evaluation of existing pavement exhibiting various forms of distress, including any necessary sampling, testing required.
Ride Quality
Ride quality services include data collection, analysis and reporting for a variety of ride quality statistics including International Roughness Index (IRI), Mean Roughness Index (MRI), Ride Number (RN), and Profilograph Index (PI). With multiple laser-sensor high-speed inertial profilers, a lightweight laser-sensor inertial profiler, and multiple reference (“walking”) profilers (AARB and SurPro), profile data can be collected with or without protection from traffic, depending on job requirements and our client’s needs. Profilers and operators are certified by Owner-Agencies as required.

Forensic Inspection
Forensic inspection is provided upon request for professional evaluation of existing pavement exhibiting various forms of distress, including any necessary sampling, testing required.
Ride Quality
Ride quality services include data collection, analysis and reporting for a variety of ride quality statistics including International Roughness Index (IRI), Mean Roughness Index (MRI), Ride Number (RN), and Profilograph Index (PI). With multiple laser-sensor high-speed inertial profilers, a lightweight laser-sensor inertial profiler, and multiple reference (“walking”) profilers (AARB and SurPro), profile data can be collected with or without protection from traffic, depending on job requirements and our client’s needs. Profilers and operators are certified by Owner-Agencies as required.
- New York Construction Materials Association (NYCMA) QC/QA Technician Certification
- Associated General Contractors of New York State/New York State Department of Transportation (AGC/NYSDOT) Density Testing Inspector (DTI) Certification
- New Jersey Society of Asphalt Technologists (NJSAT) HMA Technician Certification
- Northeast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) HMA Plant Technician
- Northeast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) Paving Inspector
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Region 1 HMA Technician Certification
- Florida Department of Transportation Construction Training Qualification Program (FDOT CTQP) Asphalt Plant Level 1 & 2
- Florida Department of Transportation Construction Training Qualification Program (FDOT CTQP) Asphalt Paving Level 1 & 2
- New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Profiler Device and Operator Certification
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MASSDot) Profiler Device Certification

- New York Construction Materials Association (NYCMA) QC/QA Technician Certification
- Associated General Contractors of New York State/New York State Department of Transportation (AGC/NYSDOT) Density Testing Inspector (DTI) Certification
- New Jersey Society of Asphalt Technologists (NJSAT) HMA Technician Certification
- Northeast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) HMA Plant Technician
- Northeast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) Paving Inspector
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Region 1 HMA Technician Certification
- Florida Department of Transportation Construction Training Qualification Program (FDOT CTQP) Asphalt Plant Level 1 & 2
- Florida Department of Transportation Construction Training Qualification Program (FDOT CTQP) Asphalt Paving Level 1 & 2
- New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Profiler Device and Operator Certification
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MASSDot) Profiler Device Certification
7:00am – 5:00pm
Advance Testing’s services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
7:00am – 5:00pm
Advance Testing’s services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.